Hi. It’s me. The gnarled former sports writer guy discovering, two months into his ex-pat journo status, that life off of Brambleton Ave. can indeed be sweet. Rich. Rewarding, in so many ways they are difficult to track and count, which is quite the departure from the initial wave of impending death — serious, heart-pounding-out-of-my-chest-cavity death — that I was certain would take me out in a matter of the first few days of being jostled and thrown from the nest.
I’ll spare details till later. For now, this is a new digital home I’ve been tardy in building, although the first foundation stones have only just been poured so to speak — and which beams now get connected to which other beams, well, honestly, I have no idea yet.
But I’ll poke around this site and figure it out, pretty much my mantra since I burst from the sewer line after a long, dark slog through the walls and pipes and into this new light. Wait, that was Tim Robbins in a movie. Whatever, redemption awaited then. And in different ways it does again.
Things will be up and running and looking crisp and clean soon. I hope some of my old friends will check in now and again and chart my progress, and I hope I can offer musings, rants, observations and various life-wisdom to make it worth your reacquaintance.
Thanks. Talk to you again soon.